Ocean kyanite -
Mineral Profile

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Kyanite is a stunning Blue Metamorphosed peri-aluminous sedimentary gemstone with a bladed growth habit. When buffed, polished or wet, Kyanite has an exquisite chatoyant shine. The ocean "Blue/green" variant is found only in Australia in the Harts Range and is famous for its exquisite vivid colour and gemminess.
This gem is brittle due to and requires care in polishing and shaping.
Grades: To identify a high quality stone look for the density of colour, the transparency "Gemminess", and wether the gemstone has fault lines or mica layers running through it (as these may crack during work on the crystal)
Colours: Kyanite comes in varied qualities and hues of Blue "Ocean", "Icy", Bi-colour, Green and Black. "Ocean" refers to a rarer Australian only variant with a vivid teal colour and transparent gemminess. "Bi colour" indicates two or more obvious colours in the same crystal.
Lustre: Vitreous, Pearly - Translucent
Rarity: Ocean kyanite - only found in the Harts Range australia, Other kyanite is found around the world.
Country of Origin: Our specimens are Australian Kyanite with Mica from the Harts Range Northern Territory. Varied Kyanite colours can be found around the world however the "Ocean" variety with Mica is only found in the Harts Range Australia.
Hardness: Kyanite has a hardness of 4.5 along its crystal axis, and 6-7 across the

Chemical Composition: Al2(SiO4)O - There are two other chemically identical polymorphs to Kyanite. These are: Sillimanite and Andalusite.
Crystal system: Triclinic (3 dimensional geometrical arrangement with three unequal axis) - Pinacoidal
Growth: Kyanite grows as a Metamorphosis deep inside earths crust inside areas of biotite gneiss, mica schist, and hornfels, which are metamorphic rocks formed at high pressure during regional metamorphism of a protolith rich in aluminium.
History: Kyanite is named after Greek word "Kyanos" meaning "blue" because of its colour. Some fine specimens have sapphire-blue colour with violet pleochroism. until the mid 20th century Kyanite was spelt and referred to as Cyanite.
Health Information: As with all gemstones, when cutting and polishing please wear a facemark, gloves and ensure to only be performing work on wet or submerged stones.